Wednesday, 18 November 2015

Delphix Developer Edition, Bonita and Docker

Delphix Developer Edition, Bonita and Docker


What if you want to spin up quickly new Bonita BPM application? Delphix DE and Docker are great choice to do this!

Delphix Developer Edition is a part of Lanshark demo environment or can be requested seperately.

More information here:

Delphix Express GUI

Delphix Express vs Delphix Enterprise
Landshark environment together with Delphix Express engine contains two VMs. Linuxsource VM and Linuxtarget VM have preinstalled Postgresql, Oracle XE and more...


"Bonita BPM is an open-source business process management and workflow suite created in 2001. It was started in France National Institute for Research in Computer Science, and then had incubated
years inside of the French computer science company Groupe Bull. Since 2009, the development of Bonita is supported by a company dedicated to this activity: Bonitasoft. ..."

Bonita BPM

Show Time

We are using:

  • Delphix Express
  • Landshark source VM (linuxsource)
  • Landshark target VM (linuxtarget)
  • Official Docker Bonita image (  


  1. Register Postgresql Data Source (dSource) - 1 time action
  2. Provision Postgresql cloned database
  3. Spin up Bonita docker image

Let's do it!

1. Data Source

Menu Environments
Open "Environments"
Choose "Databases"
Scroll down to postgresql part.
Click "Add dSource"

After clicking "Add dSource"
Enter user "postgres" password "delphix". Next.
Change name to "usda".

Click on Delphix logo. Left upper corner.

dSource "usda"

2. VDB (Virtual DB)

Click on "usda".

"Provision" in right lower corner.

Click on "Provision".

Provisioning. First Tab.
Choose LINUXTARGET. Enter port number 5433. Click advanced.

Enter new rule in pg_hba tab.
Enter rule "host   all   all   trust" in pg_hba tab. Next. Next. Next. Finish.

VDB Ready!

3. Docker part.

  • Login to linuxsource host. User root password delphix.
  • Enter following commands staying in /root
chkconfig docker on
service docker start

export PGUSER=postgres
export PGPASSWORD=delphix
export PGHOST=`hostname --ip-address`
export PGDATABASE=usda
export PGPORT=5433
psql -U $PGUSER  -h $PGHOST -d $PGDATABASE --command "DROP DATABASE bonita;"
psql -U $PGUSER  -h $PGHOST -d $PGDATABASE --command "DROP USER bonita;"
psql -U $PGUSER  -h $PGHOST -d $PGDATABASE --command "DROP DATABASE businessdb;"
psql -U $PGUSER  -h $PGHOST -d $PGDATABASE --command "DROP USER businessuser;"
psql -U $PGUSER  -h $PGHOST -d $PGDATABASE --command "CREATE DATABASE bonita OWNER bonita;"

rm -rf bonita
mkdir -p bonita

docker run -e DB_VENDOR=postgres -e DB_HOST=$PGHOST -e DB_NAME=bonita -e DB_USER=bonita -e DB_PASS=bpm -e DB_ADMIN_PASS=delphix -e DB_PORT=5433 -e TENANT_LOGIN=install -e TENANT_PASSWORD=install --name bonita_custom -v /root/bonita:/opt/bonita -d -p 8080:8080 bonita
  •  Open url "http://linuxtarget:8080/bonita" in your browser.

Bonita BPM using VDB ready to go!


  • You can use Delphix VDBs together with Docker containerized application without much effort. It's very easy.
  • You can deliver data to containerized applications in agile way. No expensive data duplication. No storage waste. Fast!