Friday, 8 January 2016

Neo4j Community Edition with Delphix

Neo4j Community Edition with Delphix

Fast prototyping sometimes tends to be slow. 
That was the case with my tests related to generating sizable amount of data for Neo4j graph database. It turned out that generating and importing data into the graph database was not so fast as I thought. Additionally testing some ideas needed changes in imported data. Unfortunately I unintentionally destroyed my work several times.

But why not to use Delphix to make life easier?

I was conducting my tests running simple standalone installation of Neo4j Community with data folder embedded within installation folder. Why not to create a new vFile folder with Delphix, copy whole Neo4j stuff there, make initial snapshot and play again?


Original Neo4j folder.


1. New folder for Delphix vFile


2. vFile created with the folder

Use "Create vFiles" option.
neo4j_dx done and mounted
3. Neo4j instance copied into Delphix

[neo4j@linuxsource neo4j-community-2.3.1]$ cp -R * ../neo4j_dx/

4. Initial snapshot in Delphix

Snapshot done

5. Neo4j startup

[neo4j@linuxsource neo4j-community-2.3.1]$ cd ../neo4j_dx/bin/
[neo4j@linuxsource bin]$ ./neo4j console
Neo4j manual.
Starting Neo4j Server console-mode...
2016-01-01 14:07:16.579-0500 INFO  Successfully started database
2016-01-01 14:07:16.629-0500 INFO  Starting HTTP on port 7474 (1 threads available)
2016-01-01 14:07:17.085-0500 INFO  Enabling HTTPS on port 7473
2016-01-01 14:07:17.297-0500 INFO  Mounting static content at /webadmin
2016-01-01 14:07:17.393-0500 INFO  Mounting static content at /browser
2016-01-01 14:07:22.552-0500 INFO  Remote interface ready and available at

6. Cypher query test

Works like a charm


  • Such little trick just made my life easier. You can use Delphix Developer Edition for free.
  • Don't get me wrong. Neo4j is real game changer. It's a great graph database.